Established in Q2 2022, the commercial real estate debt strategy is focused on capital preservation and delivering consistent income for our investors. By accessing private market credit and illiquidity premiums, we can offer investors a diversified portfolio designed to deliver strong risk-adjusted returns in excess of short-term fixed-income returns available in public markets.
Crestpoint is not a mortgage brokerage; we conduct our business of lending through registered mortgage brokerages.

Our capital preservation and income investment approach
Crestpoint believes that a diversified portfolio of commercial real estate debt investments offers short-term fixed-income exposure with higher anticipated returns. By investing across the risk spectrum of commercial real estate debt, from conventional to high yield,
we can improve a portfolio’s expected risk-adjusted returns.
Our independent research and insights derived from our years of experience in real estate equity provide us with a competitive advantage when assessing credit risk and evaluating potential investment opportunities. Crestpoint differentiates itself with borrowers through our flexibility,
prudent underwriting and speed and ease of execution.
We believe that an alignment of interests with our clients is essential. Accordingly, both Crestpoint management as well as CC&L Financial Group are investors in the Crestpoint Commercial Real Estate Debt Strategy.